Easy English

Nongnuch Horm · July 9, 2023

English for Nurses and Medical Professionals

These pages from English for Work cover language needed by nurses and medical professionals working in an English-speaking context.

medical crossPatients come in all different shapes and sizes. They also speak many different languages. Whether you are working abroad or at home, there will come a time when you will need to rely on English to communicate. These pages can help nurses, doctors, pharmacists, paramedics, receptionists, specialists or even those who volunteer. They will help you learn some basic English expressions and vocabulary related to the medical field. By studying and practising Medical English, you will be able to make your patients feel more comfortable, and have a better understanding of their needs. You will also learn how to talk to their loved ones and communicate with other medical staff who speak English. Do the exercises and take the quizzes to test your knowledge and understanding.

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Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson