Asst Prof Dr. Rapheephan Phonginwong
Teacher[Link] Factors Affecting the Success of the Inno–Life Tourism Based Communities: A Case Study of Bannmai Village, Sawai Chik Sub-district, Mueang District, Buriram Province
Abstract This studyaims tostudytheleadership factors, participationfactorsand culture factors that affects the success of Inno-Life community at Chik Sub-district, Mueang District,Buriram Province.Samplesare5leadersand committeeinthecommunityand 350members.Theselectivesamplingmethod isused in…
[Link] Human Capital, Innovation Awareness, Social Responsibility, and Human Resource Success
Abstract—This research aimed to study the human capital, innovation awareness, social responsibility and human resource success. The samples included 243 entrepreneurs selected from small and…